Mass Times

Daily Mass: Monday - Thursday, 9:00 PM
Dawg Mass: Sunday, 9:00 PM
Game Day Masses: Half an hour after afternoon games, 5:30 PM for night games

Reconciliation: Sunday, 8:45 PM - 9:15 PM

Updated on Aug 22, 2019


Wipe away all tears, for the dawn draws near, and the world is about to turn!

Rory Cooney, Canticle of the Turning


Alumni Hall is a dorm that prides itself on its unique sense of community, and there is no better display of this community than at Dawg Mass. Every Sunday, Dawgs, Lady Dawgs, ND students, and even alumni of Alumni of all faiths join together in the celebration of the Eucharist. Attendees have the opportunity to find not their relationship with Christ strengthened, but also with their fellow Dawgs and Lady Dawgs.

The Most Dangerous Mass Band™ (rated “Best Dorm Band at ND” by a Lady Dawg) beautifully accompanies the congregational “singing” and Fr. George — or his hand-picked substitute — always delivers a thought-provoking and uplifting homily that will resonate with our college lives.

But perhaps the best part of Dawg Mass is the beautiful chapel that the celebration calls home. Often referred to as “Basilica South”, Alumni Hall’s St. Charles Borromeo Chapel is the perfect site to host “ALUMNI’S REFRESHING AND INSPIRING SUNDAY EUCHARISTIC CELEBRATION” (direct quote from FGR himself).

Long story short, you won’t regret attending Dawg Mass with your Alumni brothers. No experience nor fancy attire necessary; we want you to come as you are!


Aside from Mass, another integral component of faith life in Alumni Hall is our student-run bible study, Emmaus. Named after the Road to Emmaus, on which the resurrected Christ appeared to two of His disciples and discussed Scripture with them, Emmaus meets every Wednesday night to discuss the Scripture readings for the coming week’s Mass. A place of brotherhood and faith, Emmaus adheres to what we call “the Four P’s”: Prayer, Piety, Pizza, and People!

Liturgical Ministry

There are several ways to get involved in liturgical ministry in Alumni Hall. The first way is by being a extraordinary eucharistic minister, helping to distribute the Body or Blood of Christ to your fellow Dawgs and Lady Dawgs. The second is by being a lector proclaiming the Word of God.

To be a extraordinary minister or a lector, speak to one of the Liturgical Commissioners after mass or send them an email.

 Email a Liturgical Commissioner

Can you play a musical instrument or sing? Do you wish to be a part of the loudest Canticle of the Turning on campus? Would you like to use your talents for Dawg Mass on Sunday nights?

Speak to one of our Liturgical Music Commissioners about joining the Most Dangerous Mass Band™ after mass on Sundays or simply email them.

 Email a Music Commissioner

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